Have A Car Do Not Have Insurance? Beware, This Risk Is Ready To Threaten!

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Have A Car Do Not Have Insurance? Beware, This Risk Is Ready To Threaten!
Car Insurance

The car is one of the means of transport that can be owned by people, the existence of own car this time no longer become luxury items. It is, of course, different from the conditions a few years ago where not all communities can have the car as a means of personal transportation. The price is quite high is one of the factors that cause it can happen, but many people who have the opportunity to have the means of transportation by way of filing a credit. The process of filing an easy car loan as well as the existence of a payment system that does not burden the community make car growth in Indonesia is increasing rapidly from year to year.

The growing car growth in Indonesia very rapidly this fact gave rise to negative effects that began to be felt at the moment. The impact is most felt by the community is increasingly traffic-jammed the existing traffic flow on the highway, it would, of course, be caused by the increased number of vehicles without the simultaneous presence of road widening. In addition to congestion, criminal offence such as theft also rising because of the existence of the insistence of desire but not in tune with the financial conditions of the deprivation as well as lots of events finally car theft. The condition should make You more alert again, precautions can be supported in a way have car insurance to suit your needs. Many of the benefits you can get from having such a car insurance car warranty repair when damaged. Then what can occur if you do not have car insurance? Here the risk of not having car insurance that you should understand:


The car is not the stuff that can't be damaged, thus if you do not take good care of the car with the good then the damage will often happen to your car. If damage has occurred then happened is unavoidably car had to undergo repairs and cost, of course, is not a little. For those of you who don't have car insurance then the whole repair costs will be charged to sahabatAsura themselves, unlike when you have car insurance then the cost of repair will be borne mostly by the insurance company. Even some insurance companies are now able to pay repair costs 100% at risk of that happening, fun isn't it?


For those of you who live in big cities like Jakarta or Surabaya must have been familiar with the demo action. The action of this demo not rarely breaks into a riot of action which can be detrimental to many parties, can you imagine when you are driving a car and gets stuck on the condition of Your car and hit by unrest throws stones so that the car suffered damage, who will be responsible for it? When the friend of Asura did not have car insurance then car repair result affected by rioting is your own responsibility. While You are having car insurance can immediately claim for repair of your car without fear about the costs that will be required.


Flooding is also a scourge for those of you who own a car, for when the flooding occurred and soak your car then it can certainly almost the whole machine would be broken. Such damage can result in a car cannot operate anymore, in addition, you should also set up a fund large enough to repair. In the meantime, if you have car insurance, no need to worry about costs that must be incurred because of damage to the car is the flood risk will be borne entirely by the insurance company.
